Being assisted throughout your professional change,
enabling you to carry out your projects with serenity.

Wanting to change job?
Or looking to reconvert?
To evolve in your career to a position with more responsibility?
Are you attracted to entrepreneurship?
Not sure where to start your professional balance sheet?
Let’s see what our offer Becoming actor in one’s professional development can do for you...
A journey that evolves with you.
Starting by gaining better self-knowledge.
Identifying reasons leading to the need for change.
Planning your project.
Developing the right tools.
Managing one’s emotions and motivation.
On your marks. Get set! Change!
Value your talents. Start by identifying what makes you strong. Whether with your knowledge or know-how, we will help you to enlighten your assets.
Strengthen your skills. Acquiring new knowledge is part of every phase of development. But in order not to disperese your efforts, it is essential to correctly identify your margin of progress.
The complementarity of the three methods offered in our assistance guides you along your entire journey and brings you all the elements contributing to your autonomy and well-being through coaching, pedagogy and development. Thus, you do not omit any details and you progress on your tools, your skills, but also your well-being.
Developing your career is a personal choice. But being well assisted allows you to evolve with confidence and tranquility. This way, we provide you with the tools and methods to master your project as well as the motivations that make it unique, just like you.
Any advice? Don’t overlook any details. Review your tools to showcase your skills, learn how to present yourself in an effective way, work on your methods and above all: leave nothing to chance.
The méristHemE advised approaches:
  • Optimizing your CV
  • Self-presentation
  • Network approach
  • Validating a formation choice
  • Managing business creation
Stock up on (in)formation.
For méristHemE, it is essential that you are able to progress autonomously in parallel with your assistance, in order to provide you with all the keys to repeat the process of change if needed. An important part is devoted to formation through an online course and a follow-up booklet that will guide you throughout your assistance, to provide you with the theory necessqary for practical application.
From you to us.
Every person is unique, has her own skills and develops unparalleled potential. During your assistance, you will be guided in your approach by a méristHemE reference coach. During specific sessions on identified topics, you will benefit from support of specialists who are members of our netwrok and meet our charter of ethics.
The methodology of the assistance in summary:

  • Complementarity: coaching, guidance and formation
  • Assistance over 4 steps following our process, divided into 10 sessions
  • 8 sessions with a coach and 2 sessions with specialists
  • 2 topics to choose out of 7 for sessions with specialists
Expected results:

  • Customer comfort and serenity to carry out actions
  • Personal development
  • Self-confidence and confidence in your project
  • Mastery of skills and personal development tools
  • Knowing how to manage your well-being
  • Professional balance sheet
But also:
Assessment of your profile and needs using the 8 keys to well-being and TTI® and C-IQ® assessments
The professionalism of assistance staff qualified and certified for the use of TTI®, coach RNCP and C-IQ® tools
Dedicated LMS formation supporting the theoretical content of the assistance and unlimited access to the resources available on our platform
Tell us more about your expectations